
Dental implants are a dependable and long-lasting way to replace lost teeth. They are composed of a custom-made crown that blends in with your natural teeth and a titanium post that functions as a tooth root. Implants fuse with your jawbone to provide stability and endurance, in contrast to more conventional choices like dentures or bridges. Dental implants provide you a confident, long-lasting smile by enhancing both look and oral function, regardless of how many teeth you're missing.

Benefits of Dental Implants

  • Natural Appearance – Provides a natural looking set of real teeth for a natural look.
  • Long-Lasting – These implants are however immortal and when taken care of well, can last as long as one’s life.
  • Prevents Bone Loss – Stimulates the bone of the jaw, helps to retain face contours.
  • Stable and Secure – Sliding or rolling movements across one’s lips are negligible while feasting or talking.
  • Preserves Natural Teeth – It does not comprise the modification of the neighboring teeth as it does with a bridge.